The real issue is the total collapse of the global financial system based on a run of all the banks in Europe that leads to a gumming up of the global financial engine and a complete and utter demolition of the machine. Throw thermo-nuclear war on top of that and you have the perfect portfolio positioning for readers of Zero Hedge. I have to say, I’m not a fan of horror movies, but horror blogs have certainly piqued my interest. My vote for scariest blog of the year is ZERO HEDGE. I guess that’s the point of the name, there is NO hedge. Not even your best laid plans to ward off financial Armageddon are going to be of any help. Instead of Cognitive Dissonance , Kyle Bass, and his band of merry doomsayers should practice some cognitive reconnaissance. The economy is getting better in spite of all the crap being thrown at it. Governments in Europe are coming to the realization that they’ve bought more government than they can afford. The Spanish socialists fall this weekend. Next up will be the Tea Party that realizes that protecting tax breaks for the richest American will be a losing position in 2012. This is not about left or right, blue or red, it’s about common sense.
At the end of the day, betting against the survival of the species is just not a good bet. It’s not to say I’m not nervous. The whole thing with the common currency of the eu and the lack of common government reminds of one of these stories of possessed felons with a bad person whispering in their ear to go cut off Uncle Johnny’s nuts.