Insider Buying Week 5-6-22 Nothing Much is Working and it's Easy to Understand Why
Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll through the significant buys of the last year. The bear case continues to grow as interest rates resume their relentless rise. The…
20 Beneficiaries of the Shale Gas Boom - ABB, DRC, EMR, GE, SI - Foolish Blogging Network
Repercussions from the surge in unconventional energy sources are being felt across the capital goods space, particularly in those verticals that are closely tied to gas power generation. Therefore,…
JP Morgan Trade of the Week
Of course the focus this weekend was on the NFL playoffs but we did try to put some reading time to work. JP Morgan's trade of the week is going long GE into Friday's earnings. Wow I hate playing…
Blue Chip Is The New Alpha - Seeking Alpha
We loved this provocative article from Seeking Alpha, especially the quote from Alexander Graham Bell. We may be biased though as we are also long JPM,K,MSFT, INTC, MCD, PG and BP and the author,…
Insider Buying: 7 Stocks With CEO Buys of at Least $100,000 in the Past Week
by: Steven Kiel Each week I highlight large insider purchases made by the CEO. These purchases must not be option grants or exercises. I prefer to track insider buying at the CEO and CFO level,…