Insider Buying Week 03-08-24 FOMO or FEAR?
I've been struggling to explain the speculative frenzy I sense in the markets. Stocks routinely go up and down 20% on earnings or even something as trivial as an analyst upgrade or downgrade yet the…
Bank Execs Picking over the Carcasses Insider Buying Picks Up-Week 3-17-23
Insiders are the ultimate value buyer. It's rare they buy at the top of the price chart but instead prefer to plumb the depths for the prize. They are buying the banks you never heard of while…
Federal Reserve Chairman Powell is a Dangerous man
I wrote to clients in the February update that Federal Reserve Chairman Powell is a dangerous fellow. Last week he proved that causing a run on the banking system. Ironically if the creation of a…
The Fed has a Hammer but needs a Scalpel Insider Buying Week 2-24-23
It's a commonly held view amongst market strategists that the Fed follows interest rates, not determines them. You don't have to look very far to see plenty of evidence of that. It's a quiet…