What were insiders buying during this historic market sell-off?

This was a week like none other- well, that's not quite correct, a week like only 4 others in terms of market losses since 1945.  The Coronavirus put the stock market into intensive care. It remains…

Airline stocks set to soar

Ned Davis Likes Airlines - Barron's

The esteemed Ned Davis research letter might give The Insiders Fund an unexpected push toward the finish. As readers of our blog should know we've been pretty keen on the undervalued airline sector.…

No Time For Heroes

  The Insiders Fund, went 80% to cash last Wednesday in part market-driven, in part disillusioned with the likelihood of a China trade deal.  The Fund had a great run up this year, over 24%, and…

Time to buy more airlines $DAL,$UAL,$LUV

I think the Trump admistration will eventually throw US carriers a big bone with some sanctions against the Gulf carriers and other state owned airlines plus some insider buying, low valuations,…

Notes from Enercom 2012

First of all men's suits are back in force.  Everyone is wearing a suit.  My big takeway besides men's haberdashery is that every single company presenting (and there are a lot of them- just about…