Insider Buying 12-20-24 Fill up the Tank Volatility Right On Cue
Its been a stunning collapse of the premier oil and gas companies stock prices since Trump's election. You would think that an industry so overwhelmingly Republican and a President so enamored with…
The Fed has a Hammer but needs a Scalpel Insider Buying Week 2-24-23
It's a commonly held view amongst market strategists that the Fed follows interest rates, not determines them. You don't have to look very far to see plenty of evidence of that. It's a quiet…
Today's 10% Ginnie Maes, right in front of our noses
I wish I had a nickel, no maybe $10,000 for every time I heard someone say," I wish I had bought those 10% Ginnie Mae bonds back in the day..." (GNMA Bonds are guaranteed by the full faith and…
Best Hedge Against Rising Oil Prices: Part 1
by: Dr. Osman Gulseven After the UN resolution on no-fly zone in Libya, the coalition forces just launched an almost full-scale operation on Libya. I was watching Euronews to get latest updates on…