Spain IS Greece After All: Here Are The Main Outstanding Items Following The Spanish Bailout | ZeroHedge

Spain IS Greece After All: Here Are The Main Outstanding Items Following The Spanish Bailout Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/09/2012 14:52 -0400 Bank Run Bond Bridgewater CDS Creditors European…

12 Rules Stockpickers Live By

The Magellan Fund has never been as strong and consistent a performer after Peter Lynch left the helm.  There are many postulates as to why this is the case.  I am going to introduce a new one.  Few…

Tidbits from Barron's Roundtable

The first thing I look at when I read Barron's round table is the results of the panelists picks from last year.  On that accord, one would do well by skipping most of it.  There are though, two…

Marc Faber Resumes Bloodfeud With Treasurys, Still Sees Entire Financial System Imploding

From Zerohedge: "In an interview with Bloomberg's Sara Eisen and Erik Schatzker this morning, he does what he does best - cuts to the chase: "if you think it through and you are as bearish as I am,…