Insider Buying 02-21-25 Welcome To Chaos 2.0
I refer to the first Trump administration as Chaos 1.0. Many good things can come from disruption but generally the markets like predictability and order. It was only a worldwide pandemic that…
Insider Buying Week 12-07-24
How long can the Trump stock market honeymoon go on? Of course no one knows the answer to that. Anyone who thinks they do is self delusional at best or a charlatan at worst.
Insider Buying Week 08-02-24
Someone wrote last week that the situation in the market was ripe for a crash, reminiscent of the Crash of 1987. I lived through that, so I have some personal observations. The Fed had been hiking…
Insider Purchases Last Week. Nvidia Ignites Massive CAPEX Expansion
Something significant is happening when staid Dell Technologies is up 31% on its latest quarterly earnings. A giant uptick in capex spending is underway, and it is directly attributable to the…
Insider Buying Week 7-28-23 Euphoria has Begun
Last week pretty much heralded the end of the bear market. True, long-lasting bull markets start with a plethora of insider buying. That's obviously not happening. I'm trying to figure out what…
It's Really Quite Simple Buy Guns and Gas-Insider Buying Week 11-5-22
A miserable week, down 3.46% for the bulls ended on a positive note on Friday. The narrative that the bottom was in now seems shaky as stalwarts AMZN, APPLE, MICROSOFT, ALPHABET, and FACEBOOk all…