Insider Buying Week 5-19-23 If you want to play a game of chicken- Tyson Insiders are Buying

No one really believes the U.S. will default on the debt.  The least of which are these insiders stepping up to buy their company's stock last week.  If we're talking a game of chicken, I say…

Insider Buying Week 5-12-23 Prelude to Something but What?

Insiders are coming out in force to buy regional and community banks.  Normally significant insider buys are met with a predictable market response, a positive bounce between 3%-5%. This is not…

Insider Buying Week 4-21-23 Lithium Stocks Crash, Director buys more Lockheed Martin, and the Curious Case of Domo

Reuter's headline news Friday that Chile is nationalizing the vast lithium deposits sent Albermarle and the rest of the lithium economy into a tailspin. More than half of the estimated global lithium…