Election thoughts
Whew, I'm glad it's over. The market sell off today is a gross overreaction. If we had four more years like the last four, the market would record one of the best all time returns for a President…
Apple probably a fist pounding heart thumping buy right now at $575
I have to weigh my two cents in on the iPad mini. This is probably the most innovative product I've seen from Apple in a long time. Innovative in the sense that how could you possibly place another…
Scott Forstall and Maps, Siri issues | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
I found this article revealing. The recent Apple press release labeled as iStorm is an alarming development for Apple shareholders. At first, and of course who knows really, I thought the stock…
Briefing.com's comments on Verizon
Readers of the Sax Angle will recall that I blogged positively about Verizon a few days ago. I thought this article Ahead of the Curve Updated: 26-Oct-12 14:24 ET Verizon FY12 Q3 was particularly…
If stocks are overvalued because of artificially low interest rates- what is real estate?
There is a finite limit to the amount of rent most landlords can charge. Whatever the number, $2500 per month or $7,000 per month the value of housing is intimately tied to the income stream it can…
Election Correction
The S&P 500 is down 1.8% MTD. The VIXX is up 15.3%. The market is nervous. You can see this with the sudden movement of prices as volume dissipates and the machines take over. This is a good…
Presidential Election Weighs on the Federal Reserve - NYTimes.com
By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM Published: October 22 The next significant event for monetary policy is not the Federal Reserve’s meeting Tuesday and Wednesday, which is likely to pass quietly, but the…
The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index Finished Up 1.04% in September
The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index Finished Up 1.04% in September New York, October 15, 2012 - The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index (the “Broad Index”) finished up 1.04%…
The fat pitch is here- buy Verizon now
Warren Buffet is fond of comparing the game of baseball to investing. There is no three strike rule you are out when it comes to investing, he says. You can wait for that fat pitch to come along…