The Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Indexes Performance data for Aug 2013

The Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Indexes Performance data for Aug 2013 has been updated. Please visit our site at for further details.   Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index…

Are your supposed to be confused?

Barron's publishes two  major articles this week.  The cover story is that the big money aided by their financial advisors,are getting back in risky assets with a vengeance.  See Seeking Higher…

Wary on Stocks Short-Term, Bullish Long-Term -

One of our best clients forwarded this to me. I thought this was interesting since Apache is is our largest holding at Sax Angle Partners, LP..  Although we lightened up it on Friday, it still…

Tea leaf reading week of Sept. 16th

One of the things we talk about in the Investment Survival Workshop is developing the mindset to think ahead. The point being is that when you have a regular exercise routine, you have goals in mind.…

Unease About QE -

Not much on the investment horizon except the Fed tapering.  Twitter's IPO although certain to be a headline stealer won't happen for weeks.  Syria is on the back burner.  It's a few days early for…

Let the tapering begin

Smart money is betting on the Fed tapering to be announced at next week's FOMC meeting.  Analysts believe the improvement in the labor market has met the Fed's criteria to begin trimming its…

Large insider buy at Apache- after the deal and stock run-up

Chansoo Joung a two year  board member of Apache stepped up and bought 10,000 shares at $86. on 9-3-13.  That's a striking buy not just for the size but for the timing.  Apache announced a surprise…

Week of September 2nd 2013

Monday September 2nd Markets closed for Labor Day.  That didn’t stop the futures from closing Monday morning up 16.25 S&P points, 112 Dow points.  Chinese PMI numbers but mostly Syrian attack…

Very big news for Apache, bigger for us as it's our largest position

Ironic we predicted this in a blog post back in May. Besides this being the validation Apache needed for its…