The Fund is 115% long. There is a time to press your bet and this is it
October 19, 2013The Insider Report
We are rarely full invested. We are now. There is a time to press your bet and this is it at least for the next few weeks. Even now we are not fully invested in equities but have a mixture of…
Super Bull Tommy Lee, JP Morgan strategist tempers his optimism
October 11, 2013The Insider Report
What? No Christmas rally? Going forward, the near-term road map is a bit murky. The move from ~1675 to the close (~1692) Thurs was a lot about “pain” but it seems like the most inappropriate…
Selecting The Next Federal Reserve Chair: When And How | Zero Hedge
October 8, 2013The Insider Report
Since now the drama of who Obama will select for the the Fed Reserve head is over, what's next? I found this good and telling article on Zero Hedge. Selecting The Next Federal Reserve Chair:…
Thoughts on the U.S. Government shutdown
October 3, 2013The Insider Report
What shutdown? My two kids,14 and 20, asked me what the Government shut down meant. They never ask me about current events. They get all the info they need about the world from Facebook and You…
Review & Outlook: Robbery at J.P. Morgan -
September 26, 2013The Insider Report
In spite of this massive Government attack the stock acts very well. If anything JP Morgan seems to be hurt more by the very short term reversal the rise of interest rates than the Government…
There's A Decent Chance Stocks Will Crash - Business Insider
September 26, 2013The Insider Report
by Henry Blodget I don't know when Henry finds the time to opine on the market but he's someone I listen to and respect considering how he was thrown under the bus only to get up even stronger. But…
Warren Buffett: "The Fed Is The Greatest Hedge Fund In History" | Zero Hedge
September 22, 2013The Insider Report
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/22/2013 11:05 -0400 In a world in which all the matters is "scale", the ability to Martingale down on losing bets as close to infinity as possible something which…
Does the new iPhone IOS remind you of Microsoft's PowerPoint?
September 21, 2013The Insider Report
I'm not trying to find something to say about the iPhone. I just can't help myself. Apple is one of those things you seem to have to talk about. Like your health, your job, or your lover you…
My wall of worry is growing
September 21, 2013The Insider Report
My wall of worry is growing. 1Debt whatever 2.Bernanke flip flop 3. October health care surprise 4. October surprise 5. Too many IPOs 6. Too many insiders selling 7. No one buying 8. Earnings…
Do You Have A Million Dollar Problem?
September 19, 2013The Insider Report
Do You Have A Million Dollar Problem? According to the Federal Reserve’s inflation forecast of 2% per year your $1 million today will be just $817,301 in ten years. That’s probably optimistic.*…