Portfolio positions 11-6-15

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Portfolio holdings 10-30-15

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America’s Heartland Feels a Chill From Collapsing Commodity Prices - The New York Times

Excellent reporting as usual by the NY Times.  Goes a long way to explaining the diverging economy of winners and losers. America’s HeartlandFeels a Chill FromCollapsing Commodity PricesIn China and…

Proofpoint Needs Profits

There are quite a few names like this, over hyped stocks.  It's been hard to make money shorting them as long as investors pay up for growth at any price. Stocks whose products help combat security…

Portfolio Holdings 10/15/15

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3rd Quarter 2015 Partner Letter

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Pullback in pharma has created a compelling buying opportunity

The fundamentals are good for the health care sector in general.  Recent news articles on drug pricing/gouging are not likely to effect meaningful change for the overall group dynamics in my opinion…

Ackman, Einhorn Lead Hedge Funds on Track to Rival '08 Slump

Some very smart guys, had big losses in September. Making money in the market is all about people with convictions taking money from the people that lack it.  These guys do their homework and they…

Portfolio Holdings 9/30/15

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Where the market is going-JP Morgan

According to JP Morgan:US macro update - the big problem for this tape remains the same – a lack of catalysts. The fundamental landscape still isn’t as gloomy as it’s being made out to be but this…