Long Overdue Rule Change on Insider Trading

Let's hope it comes about. I've been talking about this for years.  Insiders have rigorous disclosure mechanisms when they buy stock but little to none with these "canned ready-to-go trading plans"…

Our Private Twitter Account and more about Bitcoin or better yet Bitcon

The membership part of the blog, The Insiders Report, has been live now for a couple of months and seems to be functioning without causing me a lot of distraction.  My fiance told me the other night…

Trupanion Fleas-Rookie mistake don’t buy on the open unless you've seen the other guy's cards

That’s what I thought when I plowed into Trupanion TRUP only to get picked up and thrown on the matt for a bruising loss. Large insider buys with a good track record and a glowing over the top…