Paulson Calling For A Greek Default

According to Paulson & Co., a hard default by Greece could spell economic disaster of unprecedented proportion along with the breakup of the Euro.  In his 2011 recap letter to clients, he…

Kellogg Rockets On Announced Purchase Of Pringles

Kellogg (K) shot up over 5% on news that the food manufacturer would take over Diamond Food's (DMND) failed deal with the chip company.  Kellogg will pay P&G almost 2.7 billion for  ownership of…

Enter the Bull -

Enter the Bull By GENE EPSTEIN | MORE ARTICLES BY AUTHOR Even by conservative measures, the Dow Jones Industrials could top 15,000 in two years. Dow 17,000 is a 50-50 bet. Based on cyclical patterns…

Second City in China Halts Sales of Apple iPads -

According to the NY Times, yet another city in China has halted the sale of the iPad over the trademark dispute with Proview Technology.  About 45 units have already been confiscated from stores and…

Rackspace Reaches All Time Highs on Solid Q4

Rackspace Hosting Inc. powered to a lifetime high today as shares rose over 11% and continue to surge forward on last quarter's earnings. According to Benchmark Capital: "Rackspace reported strong…

CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln Get's Some Valentine's Day Love From Iran: Escorted Through Hormuz

As the Carrier Abraham Lincoln left the gulf Tuesday, it's battle group contingent was on high alert.  According to the AP: The passage ended a Gulf mission that displayed Western naval power amid…

Google's Purchase of Motorola Cleared by EU

Looks like one more hurdle is out of the way for Google to challenge Apple in the wireless world.  The European Union allowed the deal to pass, but warned against excessive fees charged for licensing…

Bear markets begin in good times. Bull markets begin in bad times.

By: Harvey Sax I haven’t been able to conclusively cite the origin of the above quote, 'Bear markets begin in good times.  Bull markets begin in bad times’ but undoubtedly it was from an investor who…

China cuts Iranian oil imports, says IEA -

China cuts Iranian oil imports, says IEA By Guy Chazan and Javier Blas China is buying about 50 per cent less Iranian oil than it did last year, as international sanctions strengthen its bargaining…