An investment idea I'm working on
March 25, 2012CIM,NLY,PMTThe Insider Report
One area, probably the area that has the most insider buying by sheer numbers of companies and officers is the mortgage REIT sector. Names that I'm watching there are Annaly NLY, Chimera CIM,…
Bad Day? At Least You Didn't Break The Market The First Day On The Job
March 23, 2012Flash Crash,IPO,BATS,apple flash crashThe Insider Report,News Posts
Imagine this: you're driving to the office the very first day on the job. As you casually hang a right into the parking lot, you begin thinking of how you are going to leave a stellar first…
What Really Happened with TVIX | ETF Trends
March 23, 2012VIX,TVIX,VXXNews Posts
This is a good article explaining why these products don't work. I've been railing against synthetic ETFS for some time. What I mean by synthetic is an instrument that tries to mimic an index or…
Afghan Shooter Was A Broker? Joined Army To Escape Paying A $1.5 Million Judgement
With the recent sad news of the terrible incident in Afghanistan where a solider is suspected of shooting 16 civilians, information has been slow to be released on the situation. Reuters released an…
What Would You Give Up For The Internet?
March 22, 2012The Insider Report
The global management consulting firm Boston Consulting Group just came out with some interesting statistics on just how important the internet is to day-to-day life. Just how important is having a…
Life Lessons From A Professional Trader: The Hardest Lesson Of All? Do Nothing..
March 22, 2012Stocks,Harvey Sax,Sax Angle,trade discipline,trading rulesThe Insider Report
One of the hardest lessons a trader learns is to do nothing at all. Being able to sit still, watch the screen and resist the temptation of firing off a trade is too much for some people. The…
Goldman Upgrades, LinkedIn Jumps
March 21, 2012Goldman Sachs,LNKD,Linkedin,buyThe Insider Report
LinkedIn shares shot up almost 8% today on good news from the Goldman camp. Analysts decided to raise the price target $55 to $135 and up the rating from Hold to Buy. While shares of LNKD broke the…
Homeowners: Still Scared Of Shadow Inventory's Effect On Home Prices?
March 21, 2012foreclosure,housing,CoreLogic,distressed mortgage,Homeowner,Shadow Inventory,Short saleThe Insider Report,News Posts
Home sale numbers are still weak, but there is a silver lining to this cloud. Shadow inventory (the number of foreclosed, bank owned homes not on the market) is finally showing some signs of…
A Spike In U.S. Oil Production Is About To Make It The New Middle East
March 21, 2012SPN,HAL,BAS,BHI,CLBThe Insider Report
A Spike In U.S. Oil Production Is About To Make It The New Middle East. It's hard to reconcile what's happening today with $BHI,$HAL, $SLB, $BAS, et with this story from Citi
Google Probed By Regulators Due To Privacy Issues
March 19, 2012google,facebook,Privacy policy,FTC,online AdsNews Posts
Google just can't seem to stay out of the spotlight in the arena of online privacy. Ever since they decided to "simplify" their online agreement, (see here, and here, and here) they have been…