Can You Think Of The Last Time You Foolishly Bought A Stock's Peak? Zynga Can..
March 30, 2012zynga, gamesThe Insider Report
Having just paid a pretty premium for app designer OMGPOP and their wildly successful game Draw Something, Zynga was hoping they just scratched the surface on the pictionary-like game's profits. It…
Facebook Action Done In Secondary Markets
March 29, 2012facebook,FB,secondary market,trade haltThe Insider Report
Looks like May will bring Facebook shares out of the shadows of the secondary markets and into the spotlight. The month before may will be a quiet one though, as the social media company halted all…
Draw Something Changes the Game Quickly for Omgpop -
March 27, 2012Draw Something,OmgpopThe Insider Report
A Game Explodes and Changes Life Overnight at a Struggling Start-Up Jennifer S. Altman for The New York Times Dan Porter, chief of Omgpop, which makes Draw Something. By BRIAN X. CHEN and JENNA…
Home Prices Hurt For Fifth Month In A Row
March 27, 2012economic confidence,Home pricesThe Insider Report,News Posts
While winter is usually the off-season for home sales, this is the fifth month in a row where prices slid. With values at levels not seen since 2003, the strength of the housing market recovery…
Hey, Nice Android Phone... But Haven't I Seen That Name Before?
March 26, 2012Humor,News Posts
Marketing is an art. But what happens when you focus too much on the art rather than the market? Some rather comical overlap of product names...
Feb 2012 Hedge Fund Results
March 26, 2012hedge funds,Credit SuisseThe Insider Report
The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Indexes Performance data for Feb 2012 has been updated. Please visit our site at for further details. Dow Jones Credit…
What Does Apple Mean To Tech? Take A Look
March 26, 2012The Insider Report
Business Insider released an interesting chart from BarCap today that shows the astounding weight that Apple throws around the ring. Are you holding AAPL?
Would You Buy A Broken BATS? Depends If It's Really Broken..
March 26, 2012IPO,BATS,AAPL Crash,Failed IPOThe Insider Report
Last week saw the disaster of epic proportion that was BATS debut into the market with their IPO (seen here). As a result, BATS retracted their offering with the intentions of regrouping. However,…