FDP Fresh Del Monte Produce Snapshot
April 11, 2012The Insider Report
Overall Score: 1
Chart: 1
HAL, Halliburton Company Snapshot
April 11, 2012The Insider Report
Overall Score: 6
Chart: 1
So Just How Much Is That Tweet Worth?
April 11, 2012Linkedin,twitter,Backupify,Forsquare,YelpNews Posts
Rob May, who is a co-founder of Backupify (online data storage) just posted some interesting information on his blog. In case you ever wondered just how much your Yelp review or Tweet, was worth in…
Facebook IPO Is On Nasdaq
April 5, 2012facebook,NASDAQ,FBThe Insider Report
Well, we can all stop holding our breaths.. FB is on the Nasdaq. Facebook Picks Nasdaq for I.P.O. - NYTimes.com.
Bull Markets Are Everywhere. Here's One In Sand
April 5, 2012oil,Fracking,HEK,Oil Production,SLCAThe Insider Report
US Silica went public at the beginning of February. And the first direct play on sand has been on a tear ever since. Up around 24%, SLCAs appreciation has been due to the rising demand for sand in…
We Will See QE3. Just Not Until We Need It
April 4, 2012QE3,Quantitative Easing,AddictionThe Insider Report,Education
The notes from yesterday's Fed meeting have managed to spur back-to-back down days in the market, seemingly all based on the lack of language hinting at an immediate round of Quantative Easing. This…
Why Are Oil Markets So Short Sighted?
April 4, 2012oil,USO,Iran,embargoThe Insider Report
Other than the occasional headline, the Iran embargo is a distant memory. And oil markets seemed to forget that an increasing oil reserve is a direct result of preparing for such an embargo. Just…
Why is the market down today?
April 4, 2012The Insider Report
How about the fact it's been going straight up for weeks on end? Or the fact that what the Fed minutes revealed was no surprise but any excuse for a sell-off was prompted by traders itching to short…
Banking On The Banks: Is Morgan Stanley A Buy?
April 4, 2012Bank of America,MS,BAC,banking,Merrill Lynch,Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyThe Insider Report
According to Richard Bove, you'd be stupid to even think no. While Bove is right, it's lagged all but one of the big banks (WFC) with just a 30% gain YTD, that doesn't have any effect on future…