Commodity anguish may be over according to Goldman
July 12, 2012Goldman Sachs,oil,Energy,GoldmanThe Insider Report
Knowing how everything is manipulated, this means Goldman has covered their short on energy and now wants to take money from you the on the other side of the trade. It sure acts like oil has stopped…
Proctor & Gamble still worth $75 if they shrink revenues by 1% a year for next seven years
July 12, 2012PGThe Insider Report
Looks like Bill Ackman has been following our blog and has seen the light with P & G. The stock is up 6% since we first posted about it (many thanks to Mr. Ackman; up 4.3% so far today) and is…
The U.S. Housing Bust Is Over -
July 11, 2012The Insider Report
Housing Passes a Milestone By DAVID WESSEL The housing market has turned—at last. The U.S. finally has moved beyond attention-grabbing predictions from housing "experts" that housing is bottoming.…
Warren Buffetts Berkshire Hits 16-Month High - CNBC
July 11, 2012The Insider Report
Be sure to tune into Warren Buffett tomorrow on CNBC at 7:30AM. With his stock doing so well this year, he's sure to be ebullient. Warren Buffetts Berkshire Hits 16-Month HighPublished: Wednesday,…
JPMorgan, Goldman Shut Europe Money Funds After ECB Cut - Bloomberg
July 6, 2012The Insider Report
PMorgan, Goldman Shut Europe Money Funds After ECB Cut By Dawn Kopecki and Charles Stein - Jul 6, 2012 11:38 AM MT Draghi Own Words on ECB Rates, Inflation, Economy JPMorgan Chase & Co.…
Mary Shapiro, head of the SEC, should resign
July 4, 2012The Insider Report
Regardless of the investment merits of Facebook ( I personally think there were none), I find it stunningly contradictory that our culture teaches fair play yet rewards just the opposite. For…
Manufacturing Slowdown Reaches U.S. -
July 2, 2012The Insider Report
Manufacturing Slowdown Reaches U.S By NEIL SHAH And BEN CASSELMANThe global economic slowdown has finally caught up with American manufacturers.The U.S. factory sector shrank in June for the…
Guest Post: Coal - The Ignored Juggernaut | ZeroHedge
June 30, 2012China,coal,BTU,WLTThe Insider Report
Coal - The Ignored JuggernautSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 06/30/2012 09:38 -0400Submitted by contributing editor Gregor MacdonaldCoal - The Ignored JuggernautOil, natural gas, and…
Futures ripping up tonight. Tell me somebody didn't know something this afternoon
June 29, 2012The Insider Report
Just A Very Visible Fat Finger? Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/28/2012 16:15 -0400 Equities did it again - and no matter what narrative a mainstream media channel needs to comprehend the…