This Is The Most Powerful Chart Weve Seen Yet That Shows The Market Is Afraid Of Mitt Romney
October 12, 2012The Insider Report
CHART OF THE DAY: This Is The Most Powerful Chart Weve Seen Yet That Shows The Market Is Afraid Of Mitt RomneyMatthew Boesler | Oct. 12, 2012, Below is perhaps the most powerful chart weve seen…
Election correction
October 10, 2012The Insider Report
The stock market has been on a tear but October has turned negative. Is this an ominous sign? The debate with Romney and Obama added a level of uncertainty to the market. Before the debate it was…
The Bond Era Ends according to new piece by Merrill Lynch
October 9, 2012The Insider Report
"2013 could mark start of the Great Rotation. The era of bond out performance has ended," the article reads. U. S. stocks not only outperformed Treasures over the past one and three years ,but also…
Something big is about to happen
October 6, 2012The Insider Report
This quarter will probably prove to be a decisive period in the stock market. The Presidential election is around the corner. What appeared to be a foregone conclusion is now suddenly up in the…
2nd Quarter 2012 Partner Letter
October 4, 2012Uncategorized,Letters
2nd Quarter 2012 Shareholder Letter
Hedge Funds and Market Professionals underperform
October 4, 2012The Insider Report
This chart and the link below gives you just how hard this market has been for the industry's most talented managers. With the S&P 500 up 16% year to dates few managers have earned their keep…
The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Core Hedge Fund Index Closed Up 0.47% in September
October 4, 2012The Insider Report
The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Core Hedge Fund Index Closed Up 0.47% in September New York, October 3, 2012 - The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Core Hedge Fund Index closed up 0.47% in September as…
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg
October 2, 2012The Insider Report
The earnings gap between rich and poor Americans was the widest in more than four decades in 2011, Census data show, surpassing income inequality previously reported in Uganda and Kazakhstan. The…
Delta ups guidance. Does the CFO know something?
October 2, 2012The Insider Report
Everyone knows the airline business can be enormously profitable when it's not bankrupting the company. Airline stocks are challenging for investors but traders can do well. Note the CFO of DAL…
WSJ/NBC Poll: Majority Favors One-Party Control - Washington Wire - WSJ
Everyone is anticipating and October surprise. This could be it. Markets have discounted an Obama win but not an end to gridlock. By Danny YadronGetty A majority of voters want one party to control…