The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index Finished Down 0.18% in October
December 2, 2012The Insider Report
The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index Finished Down 0.18% in October New York, November 15, 2012 - The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index (the “Broad Index”) finished down…
Goldman's Top Ten Market Themes For 2013 | ZeroHedge
December 2, 2012The Insider Report
Goldman's Top Ten Market Themes For 2013 Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/02/2012 16:55 -0500 Whether you trust the squid and their thought process or believe in 'better the devil you know', Goldman's…
Slow growth or even recession seems inevitable
December 2, 2012The Insider Report
After listening to the rounds of Sunday talk shows and watching the Fiscal Cliff talks progress, it seems inevitable that some combination of tax hikes and budget cuts are ahead. Whatever the final…
Executives' Trades in Own Stock Raise Questions -
November 27, 2012The Insider Report
One of the things we key in on in the Investment Survival Workshop is how to benefit from insider trading. Check this article out. It's far more complicated than meets the eye. Come join us at our…
Corning Stock Can Rise More as Fundamentals Improve -
November 27, 2012The Insider Report
Corning has insider buying, a deeply discounted stock priced based on the DCF model, healthy dividend, and finally a catalyst. Yes, Gorilla Glass has been huge but the market already knew that.…
Duke, Dominion Resources Seen Favored -
November 27, 2012The Insider Report
This is what I find astonishing about the mealy mouthed Wall Street analyst community. I've got a chest thumping buy on the whole sector and this utility analyst sheepishly says it might be a good…
Goldmans Guess At Cliff Compromise Composition | ZeroHedge
November 27, 2012The Insider Report
Some more nonsense on the fiscal cliff. What I want to know is how can anyone drive over a cliff that everyone sees? Goldmans Guess At Cliff Compromise Composition | ZeroHedge.
Disney director buys $1 million Apple stock
November 21, 2012The Insider Report
You might argue that a million dollars is chump change for Robert Iger and you are probably right but it's good to remember that the last time he bought Apple was on 11/29/11 shortly after Jobs died…
Utilities- the worst performing sector in the market this month- BUY for a trade
November 15, 2012The Insider Report
You might think us crazy but we're buying the worst performing sector in the market this month, utilities. In particular we are buying the XLU and Dominion Resources. XLU,S&P Select Utilities…
Election correction thoughts and the next Investment Survival Workshop
November 12, 2012The Insider Report
Well, I feel kind of like I stepped into that punch. The initial market reaction to the obvious reelection of President Obama is still puzzling to me. After all betting sites, like Intrade had the…