Maybe without Jobs, Apple managment just doesn't get it.
March 13, 2013Apple Inc (AAPL)The Insider Report
Take this curiois statement from Phil Schiller, Apple head of marketing, on the eve of the widely promoted and talked about new Samsung smartphone. In the Walls Street Journal today, Mr. Schiller…
Dresser Rand- the play on the decade long boom in global LNG and natural gas
March 10, 2013DRCThe Insider Report
Everyone by now knows that the U.S. has become the Saudi Arabia of natural gas and may someday be far less reliant on imported oil to recent technological advances in drilling that have unlocked vast…
Analysis: Next Intel CEO to guide new business, maybe Apple deal | Reuters
March 10, 2013Intel Corp (INTC),INTCThe Insider Report
I've been talking about this so long as to be amazed that it hasn't happened yet. At the depressed levels INTC is trading at, this would be bullish although an admission that they aren't the…
Investors Embrace Climate Change, Chase Hotter Profits - Bloomberg
March 10, 2013DBAThe Insider Report
We blogged about our interest in the out of favor agricultural play. We added more October 28 call options on the DBA today. We now have both October and January 25 2014 call options It's a cheap…
The odd genius of Michael Dell
Dell is going down the tubes. Everyone knows that. Just look at the stock. It's empirical, blunt, and definitive. Michael Dell has billions invested in the Company he founded. In order to save…
The Worst Investment Strategy Of 2013
Courtesy of Business Insider
Follow up on Vocus (VOCS)
March 5, 2013Linkedin,facebook,twitter,VOCS,VocusThe Insider Report
I have to give Vocus management credit for being responsive to shareholders. I know firsthand that the management of a public company can become beleaguered by shareholders when their stock gets…
What to make of Director's $400k buy of Giliad Sciences, INC (GILD)?
March 4, 2013GILD,GileadThe Insider Report
As everyone knows, I'm a great fan of watching what insiders buy. The most telling buy though is one done near the stock's highs. The reason this is interesting is that most buying is done near…
CHART OF THE DAY: Apple Market Cap - Business Insider
March 4, 2013The Insider Report
Apple's stock fell to another new low point of its current crash, closing at $420.15. Its an incredible decline for the stock which was at $700 in September.If you want a rational reason for the…
Two curious large insider buys Vocus and Murhpy Oil
March 1, 2013MUR,VOCSThe Insider Report
Often times, the reasons' insiders buy their stocks are not readily apparent. Take the case of Vocus, a social media marketing platform company. Admittedly their product offering is really sexy and…