How Apple lost $18 billion in market cap on Facebook's $19 billion purchase of Whatsapp
It's very frustrating for value investors such as ourselves to watch our largest holding, Apple decline, almost precisely the absurd amount of money that FaceBook paid for messaging app, Whatsapp.…
Apple stock could double on this upcoming product
Yes, it's a bold statement but Apple stock is already worth far more than its trading it based on discounted cash flow analysis with very modest projections of near zero revenue growth. Any product…
Why An Apple Developer Quit His Job To Invent The Tesla Of Toking Up - Business Insider
Almost all investment ideas related to the growing legalization of marijuana are making money for their investors. I expect this one to do so as well.…
Positive for the year
Small positive - the Fund is now positive for the year. Enjoy your long weekend. Harvey Sax "the insider's fund"
China is now cheaper than Turkey The FXI was up over 3.5% Tuesday. That's a big move for the equivalent of China's Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Blankfein Says China’s Expansion to Have ‘Huge Consequences’ - Bloomberg
An interesting investment idea but one that has yet to be profitable for us is long dated in the money call option on the FXI. The large cap China ETF is where it was in 2007 while US markets have…
How much should you pay for liquidity?
How much do you pay for liquidity? This is a question I've often asked myself. I know at our Fund, Sax Angle Partners, we like to tell ourselves and our investors, that our exceptional liquidity…
Portfolio holdings 2-4-14
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