AHEAD OF THE TAPE: Vail Resorts Faces a Risky Slope - WSJ.com
People that live and ski here scratch their heads and wonder how Vail will ever recoup the approximate $350 million paid for the Canyons without the real estate. That's a lot of liability for piazza…
Seth Klarman On "Born Bulls", Bitcoin, & "The Truman Show" Market | Zero Hedge
Interesting read. Note the SaxAngle has nearly 50% of its portfolio in cash although dare say we know anywhere near as much as legendary Seth Klarman. I'd like to short more but the crap keeps…
Cramer: Kinder Morgan Energy Partners KMP Rich Kinder Is a Bankable CEO - TheStreet
Jim Cramer says the markets turn on Rich Kinder, CEO of Kinder Morgan Energy Partners KMP_, is a mistake because of his companys performance over the long term.Cramer notes that while many people…
US Exchanges Current Hot Stocks: Biggest Up Moves
US Exchanges Current Hot Stocks: Biggest Up Moves Current information as of Tue, Mar 4th, 2014 Hot Stocks lists the most volatile stocks, ranked by highest standard deviation compared to their past…
Most Intense Ski Slopes - Business Insider
Value trap or financial fraud
Value investors like to buy at a discount. They want to buy a stock for less than they perceive it to be worth. Value investors buy more when the stock goes down. It's a better deal. The value…
WhatsDown: WhatsApp Suffers Extended Outage | Re/code
This is interesting as the bullish cheerleaders for FaceBook have been touting how WhatsApp has 99.9% uptime and handles more messages than the entire global telecom community combined. Somehow…
More thoughts on Kinder Morgan
I think Barron's brings ups an interesting arcane accounting point. There seems to be a lot of flexibility in the way these MLPs classify expenses between operating, maintaining, and future expansion…
Kinder Morgan: Trouble in the Pipelines? - Barrons.com
The Barron’s piece has a clever title but that is the last bit that is. The lack of journalism integrity is stunning. While I always want to hear the bear opinion on any investment idea, especially…