The Flaw In Passive Investing - Business Insider

The Momentum Stock Meltdown Has Exposed A Big Flaw In A Very Popular Investing Strategy Passive investing, or investing in a benchmark index and letting the money ride, is probably the most…

No surprise the market acted poor this week

The relentless cram down of IPOs has come to a screeching halt as 4 of the 8 deals to price Thursday night got postponed.  The insane valuations many Internet stocks traded at and still trade at got…

Hedge Funds Saw Declines in March -

Is it better to buy the market at a high PE or low PE? Well, it depends on your time horizon

Somewhat counter-intuitively, history shows that buying the market at a lower relative P.E. is likely to be hazardous to your financial health in the short term.  It is important to mention that…

Google, Facebook, Twitter: Not Enough Dollars to Go Around -

I'm glad to see someone else echoing my view.  Google seems the most vulnerable in my opinion as the only model the company has is an ad model.  At stunning figure seldom mentioned is that the Safari…

BFAM announces secondary offering- another Bain private equity feeding at the trough

Bright Horizon Family Solutions announced a secondary this afternoon as we expected.  Glad we are short the stock, not happy we are not short more.  After trying to cover small amounts with almost…

Apple in Talks with Comcast About Streaming-TV Service -

Game, Set, Match. I can't imagine Amazon or Google can be too happy about this. If it comes to pass, two virtual monopolies will band together and become one, unstoppable ,unmoveable force. I just…

Buy Russia After the Plunge? A Crazy Idea That Usually Works - Focus on Funds - Controversial, but apparently it works well for the patient investor. I don't…

Goldman: Fuel Behind The Five-Year Stock Rally Is Running Low - MoneyBeat - WSJ

lPrintBy ALEXANDRA SCAGGS CONNECT REUTERS   Five-years after U.S. stocks hit their financial-crisis low, Goldman Sachs strategist David Kostin says it’s going to be an uphill battle for stocks…

The Inside Scoop: Officers and Directors Are Bearish -

What I've been saying for some time. The important thing to remember is that not all insiders are bearish. There are still pockets of opportunities. The point being it will be hard to generate…