Portfolio Holdings 5/22/15

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Park City Welcomes Top Performing Equity Manager!

Park City! Now is your chance to meet and have lunch with one of the country's best performing equity managers! He has outperformed the S&P 500 by over 470% since 2001. The luncheon will be…

Sunni-Shiite Conflict Reflects Modern Power Struggle, Not Theological Schism - WSJ

I suppose like many readers, I am fascinated and somewhat perplexed by the unpredictable and outsized importance of events in the Middle East.  Is it because oil is the single most important…

Portfolio holdings 5-8-15

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How to Play Amazon, Netflix, and Tesla in Earnings Season - Barrons

Option calendar spreads on such “faith-based” stocks can pay off nicely. I like to highlight ideas that I think will work. In a market that's fully valued or more by just about all matrices, the…

Lessons From 50 Years Of Buffett - WSJ

Lessons From 50 Years Of BuffettBy JASON ZWEIGMay 2, 20150 COMMENTSWhat makes Warren Buffett Warren Buffett?That question will dominate this weekend’s annual meeting of Berkshire Hathaway, on the…

Portfolio Holdings 4-30-15

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Portfolio holdings 4-24-15

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The Student-Loan Problem Is Even Worse Than Official Figures Indicate - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Bill Ackman, last year's best performing hedge managers is reportedly targeting student loan default as his next short opportunity.  I agree.  Preliminary names are DFS Discover Financial Services…