World’s 8 Richest Have as Much Wealth as Bottom Half of Global Population - The New York Times
The eight, all men, hold as much money as the 3.6 billion people who make up the world’s poorest half, Oxfam said in a report that highlighted inequality. Source: World’s 8 Richest Have…
Portfolio holdings 1-13-17
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The Trump Aesthetic: how his tastes will change America
The Trump Aesthetic: how his tastes will change America What cultural impact will the incoming president have? Prepare for a mash-up of Sinatra, sports stars and reality TV Source: The Trump…
Bogle: Trumps long-term policies bad for society, economy and market
I'm interested in making money in the short term as short term profits add up to long term gains. Therefore I don't get political but I do question the legs of this rally. Few people have as much…
Thoughts on Jeffrey Gundlach Just Markets 2017
Notes from Double Line’s Just Markets 2017. Wow, once again Jeffrey Gundlach shows he is the smartest guy in the room when it comes to market calls. Note that he is the ONLY credible pundit I follow…
Trump Rally Starting To Thin Out | Zero Hedge
Trump Rally Starting To Thin Out by Tyler Durden Jan 10, 2017 Despite the recent string of Nasdaq new highs, more stocks have been declining than advancing. One of the hallmarks of the post-election…
Who owns Twitter? A look at the players who could make or break a deal. - Recode
Donald Trump is helping Twitter enormously but the stock market seems to discount any value to his incessant tweets unless it is of course about any OTHER company he tweets about. This to me just…
As Dow Approaches 20000: Has This Rally Just Begun? - WSJ
The stock rally ranks among the least-beloved in history, traders and analysts say. The technology bust and the financial meltdown taught individuals to shy away from stocks and to embrace bonds and…
Portfolio holdings 1-6-17
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Update on where the insiders are buying now $ABT,$MDT,$EW,$AGN
It was a week ago that we blogged about 4 medical stocks that insiders were buying that looked particularly appealing to us. We were heavily invested in these names with our largest position in…