Portfolio holdings 5-5-17

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Portfolio holding 5-1-17

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For Senior Citizens, the Future of VR Lies in the Past | WIRED

Source: For Senior Citizens, the Future of VR Lies in the Past | WIRED   Chips, chips, and more chips.  I've heard it said recently that we are living in the golden age of microchips.  I believe…

Portfolio holdings 4-24-17

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Briefing.com: In Play - Apr 19 12:42:47

An inability to capitalize on the good earnings news is a function of several factors:Stretched valuations ahead of the reportsThe halting consideration that the broader market isnt advancing on good…

5G Mobile Networks: The Next Big Battleground - IPWatchdog.com | Patents & Patent Law

The number of patents and key underlying technologies for 5G mobile networks will evolve significantly within next 5 years. However, early analysis shows that Qualcomm will still be the IP leader but…

Portfolio holdings 4-15-17

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Portfolio holdings 4-7-17

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Portfolio holdings

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Bear market? Not quite

The Dow just experienced its first 8 consecutive down days since 2011. More like a bear cub hug.