Stock Picking Is Dying Because There Are No More Stocks to Pick - MoneyBeat - WSJ
Out of the 3600 or so publicly traded companies there are even less that have management buying a significant amount of their own stock. We estimate this universe at The Insiders Fund to be just…
Portfolio holdings 6-16-17
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Dorian LPG 10 point checklist $LPG
We analyzed Dorian LPG based on recent insider activity and depressed valuation for a buy-side opportunity. Our results are as follows with a buy signal of 4, relatively weak. It will be interesting…
Portfolio holdings 6-9-17
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CEO's Who Buy Their Own Stock
As the summer draws closer, we could probably forgive some chief executives for making long, lingering looks out the window. Vacation plans must be scheduled. There are people to see, socially. And…
Interesting insider buys from the past week ending 6-2-17
Advanced Auto Parts, AAP had a dismal week dropping from an already depressed price of $150 to $133.63 as of Wednesday close. That did not dissuade CEO Thomas Greco from spending $2.2 million to…
Portfolio holdings 6-2-17
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VIX Options
With volaitlity as low as it is, it may now be a good time to hedge a portfolio against some unknown risk such as a geopolitical event, oil shock, sun spot satellite communications breakdown, or…
Bitcoin and Tech Stocks: A 21st Century Tulipmania? - Barron's
What’s striking is the role played by the biggest technology leaders, again reminiscent of the dot-com era. According to Bespoke Investment Group, Apple (AAPL), Facebook (FB), (AMZN),…
Portfolio holdings 5-26-17
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