Chart of the day: Rolling 3-Month Correlation Between Oil & S&P500
Over the past few years the correlation between oil (especialy WTI Crude Oil) and the S&P500 has been remarkably consistent with an average of about 0.75 (scale from -1 to 1). However, over the…
Paul Allen Slams Bill Gates in Memoir
According to a new memoir by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, Bill Gates schemed to take shares in Microsoft following his partner’s treatment for cancer. WSJ’s Kevin Delaney and Julia Angwin discuss…
Recently Discovered Video Interview with Seth Klarman
For those who don't know Seth Klarman, here's some brief info from Jacob Wolinsky at Valuewalk: Seth Klarman is undoubately one of the greatest investors of our time. Klarman manages Baupost Group,…
XOIL Tries to Be Spot-On Spot
Global X launched a new equity ETF on Tuesday (3/15/11) that attempts to achieve high correlation to crude oil spot prices. Global X Oil Equities ETF (XOIL) provides exposure to pure-play oil…
Weekend Reading Links
The weekend is always a great time to catch up on some of the week's reading you missed...
Best Hedge Against Rising Oil Prices: Part 1
by: Dr. Osman Gulseven After the UN resolution on no-fly zone in Libya, the coalition forces just launched an almost full-scale operation on Libya. I was watching Euronews to get latest updates on…
Warren Buffett 2010 Berkshire Hathaway Letter
[scribd id=49590880 key=key-1yt90eej2d8whx9ivnbq mode=list] Source: Fortune