New Wall St. Slogans to replace the aged "Sell in May & go Away"

Check out this great clip of proposed replacement sayings for that old adage of "Sell in May and go away." Here are a few of my favorites: "Buy today's cause it's early May", "Buy tomorrow with funds…

Chart of the Day: National Gasoline Prices

Since we are about to enter the prime driving/gasoline consumption period fo the year, let’s have a closer looks at Gasoline Prices across the US:by Harvey Sax

Biggest Gold Reserves Per Person

What about the the UK and Australia...?

Where do we stand? A look at Bullish Sentiment & Bull Markets

According to Bespoke Invest, The S&P 500 is currently on pace to close at a new bull market high for the first time since February 18th.  With this milestone, the bull market will officially make…