Italy's Burgeoning Debt Crisis Hits Markets Around the Globe -
Once again, it's the PIIGS. For the past year, the focus on eurozone's debt crisis has been on the PIGS -- Portugal, Ireland and especially Greece, plus Spain. But the crash in Italy's bonds has put…
Warren Buffett correction- what I always thought was his quote turns out to be Peter Lynch's
Buffett is often quoted as saying he likes to buy a business good enough that any idiot can run because eventually one will. As it turns out Buffett got that nugget from Peter Lynch and this is the…
Jobs Data Have Rebound Rabbit Stuck in Hat -
I agree with the message but not the conclusion. Yes, the economy is in the doldrums. It's really quite pathetic. That doesn't mean though I am totally pessimistic on stocks. At the moment we are…
Code of Ethics
A. Code of Ethics All employees of HSAX must act in an ethical and professional manner. In view of the foregoing and applicable provisions of relevant law, HSAX has determined to adopt a Code of…