Cut in Europe Bank Lending Has Wide Impact -

As usual, most of our posts are with a theme on how to profit from them or to stimulate the investment mind.  One of Gary Shlling's ideas from The Age of Deveraging is to short emerging equities.…

For Deficit Panel, Failure Cuts Two Ways -

.By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM and ANNIE LOWREY The latest Congressional failure to agree on a plan for balancing the government’s books could yield a surprising result: a sharp reduction in annual federal…

US budget talks a chimera- the real issues is total world collapse

The real issue is the total collapse of the global financial system based on a run of all the banks in Europe that leads to a gumming up of the global financial engine and a complete and utter…

Kyle Bass Destroys The Ponzi-Prone Debt Sustainability Arguments Of The Status Quo...And Why Germany Cant Save The World | ZeroHedge

For this of you who don't know who Kyle Bass is.  He is the new John Paulson.  Where Paulson screwed up this year thinking that our financial system would recover and bought heavily into the banking…

How to Keep Money Flowing During Retirement -

Reeling In the Yields By KAREN HUBE | MORE ARTICLES BY AUTHOR Despite rock-bottom interest rates, you can still earn investment income of 7%-plus per year. How to keep money flowing during…

Consumer Staples- Overweight

At least that's Merrill Lynch's recently published outlook.  I happen to agree with it.  There are a few names here we own, our largest positions, and some insider buying as well.  Merrill Lynch…

In all of my years investing, I've never seen a company argue its investment merits with this much force

Many investors have a love-hate relationship with Chesapeake Energy.  I know I certainly do.  I'm still smarting from the let down knowing that its colorful and super smart CEO Aubrey McClendon got…

The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Indexes Performance data for Oct 2011

The Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Indexes Performance data for Oct 2011 has been updated. Please visit our site at for further details.    Dow Jones Credit…

Stock Buybacks Surge As S&P 500 Trades At Discount - Bloomberg

I'm not sure what to make of this headline so judge it for yourself.   I wrote about insider buying picking up dramatically in August/September.  I said the two other signs I'd look for were stock…