AC2011 Session 1.2 Come Undone: Kyle Bass redux - YouTube

  For this of you that can't get enough of Kyle Bass, here's a full helping.  If you don't know who Kyle Bass is, you've been out shopping on Black Friday and oblivious to the cracking in the…

Pairs trade idea Long Apple Short Google

As usual we present the news with an idea for a trade.  I blogged a few days ago about Apple issuing our first buy signal for it in months.  There could be a court case coming up apparently that's…

ZeroHedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

A Snapshot Of Ludicrous Volatility: Since May 1 The S&P Has Travelled 1234 Points Yet Is Unchanged For The YearSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 12/01/2011 - 20:47Bear Market European Central Bank…

Swaps Will Get Dollars Into European Banks' Hands -

Does the Fed face increased risk under the swap lines? Since the Fed isn't lending to banks directly, the risk is tiny. The ECB is responsible for giving the Fed its dollars back, so the central bank…

We are still very defensive

Although we did not outperform the market today (the only way you could have done that was all in and then some) we managed decent gains.  Surprisingly some of our largest positions did not move much…

Central Banks Take Coordinated Action -

Central Banks Move to Calm Fears Markets Rally After Joint Action Aimed at Cushioning Global Effects of Euro Crisis; Fed 'Prepared' to Do More if Needed By JON HILSENRATH And JEFFREY SPARSHOTT Is the…

Italy’s debt must be restructured | The A-List | Must-read views on today’s top news stories – –

Italy’s debt must be restructured It is increasingly clear that Italy’s public debt is unsustainable and needs an orderly restructuring to avert a disorderly default. The eurozone’s wish to exclude…

Complete List Of European Sovereign Events Through The End Of 2011 | ZeroHedge

Complete List Of European Sovereign Events Through The End Of 2011Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/28/2011 22:17 -0500Belgium Bond Deutsche Bank European Central Bank Finland fixed France Greece Gross…

Goldman: "As The Endgame Approaches, The Rally In AAA-Euro Area Sovereign Bonds No Longer Seems Sustainable" | ZeroHedge

Goldman: "As The Endgame Approaches, The Rally In AAA-Euro Area Sovereign Bonds No Longer Seems Sustainable" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/27/2011 19:06 -0500 Bank Failures Baseline Scenario Bond…