Shale-Gas Boom Spurs Race -
Shale-Gas Boom Spurs Race States Vie for New Chemical Factories—and Jobs—Powered by Lower Energy Costs By JAMES R. HAGERTY The boom in low-cost natural gas from shale is driving investment in plants…
How do you put your child through college without spending big bucks on them finding themselves?
- 3 Kings - from Cole Sax on Vimeo. If you encourage your son to follow his dreams, you might wind up with one that has marketable talents without spending big bucks on college for four…
ECB Won’t Step Up Bond Purchases: Draghi - Bloomberg
This is really pretty incredible. It's surprising to me that more people are not talking about this. While the headline reads all doom and gloom, if you read the article, the ECB just provided…
Zynga IPO Fizzles as Stock Falls 5% -
In the upside down world of good news is bad news, bad news is good news, this is actually a bullish event although on the surface people are interpreting it negatively. There is no surer way to hurt…
Best and Worst Stocks of 2011 - Yahoo! Finance
Best and Worst Stocks of 2011 By Ben Steverman | Bloomberg – 19 hours ago The U.S. stock market returned almost nothing to investors in 2011. As of early December, the Standard & Poor's 500 index…
Buckle Up! -
This cover article from this week's Barrons. My only observation is how does one get a job by being this wrong? Everyone they reviewed failed miserably on their forecast for this year. Why would…
The Mother Of All Chart Porn - Presenting Goldman's Top 100 Favorite Charts | ZeroHedge
The Mother Of All Chart Porn - Presenting Goldman's Top 100 Favorite Charts Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/16/2011 08:51 -0500 Goldman Sachs goldman sachs Christmas comes early for chart porn…
Hedge Fund Titan Michael Platt Reveals The Three Things He Won't Touch
Hedge Fund Titan Michael Platt Reveals The Three Things He Won't Touch U.K. hedge fund manager Michael Platt, the founder of $30 billion fund BlueCrest Capital, discussed the eurozone crisis,…