Tidbits from Barron's Roundtable

The first thing I look at when I read Barron's round table is the results of the panelists picks from last year.  On that accord, one would do well by skipping most of it.  There are though, two…

Shocking fact about Iran oil embargo consequences

Without question, if I knew that a disruption of oil supplies from Iran would occur, I'd bet the farm on a dramatic rise in crude oil prices.  But how rationale is this popular consensus opinion?  I…

Paypal: online powerhouse is stepping up in-store payments

PayPal Home Depot Shares of Paypal's parent company Ebay are up…

Marc Faber Resumes Bloodfeud With Treasurys, Still Sees Entire Financial System Imploding

From Zerohedge: "In an interview with Bloomberg's Sara Eisen and Erik Schatzker this morning, he does what he does best - cuts to the chase: "if you think it through and you are as bearish as I am,…

Ex-Wife Says Gingrich Wanted ‘Open Marriage,’ ABC Reports

In the sport of mudslinging timing is everything.  And Mitt Romney is breathing a sigh of relief as ABC's report detailing his attempt to initiate an open marriage between his ex-wife (his current…

Buying Gold On More QE

From Seeking Alpha: Gold bears point to simple fact that investors cannot value gold in a similar fashion to stocks and bonds. Gold earn and yields nothing. As Jim Grant has stated, gold holds no…

Arctic Adventure - A 1,500-Mile Trip by Sea Kayak

Two incredible athletes from vastly different backgrounds are brought together by the love of both kayaking and adventure.  Having had the opportunity to paddle with the same crew of whitewater…

Yahoo Shares Rise as Co-Founder Jerry Yang Resigns (YHOO)

  Shares of Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ: YHOO), the online media company, are gaining in early trading today after the Sunnyvale, California-based company said that its co-founder, Jerry Yang, has…

Euro and stocks volatile on talk of IMF fundraising - FT.com

Trading Post. Is eurozone headline risk becoming asymmetric? It’s an ugly piece of jargon but in recent days it is the question some in the market have been posing. It refers to the view that traders…