Insider Buying Week 6-3-22 In Comes the Earnings Blackout Period

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll through the significant buys of the last year. Only oil and gas stocks escaped the payback carnage on Friday.  We are getting closer…

Insider Buying Week 5-26-22 Best Week Since November 2020

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll through the significant buys of the last year. The S&P 500 scorched the short-sellers, racking up the best performing since…

Insider Buying Week 5-20-22 Trying to Go Up on a Down Escalator

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll through the significant buys of the last year. I spent much of last weekend toiling over the Insiders Report.  Insider buying is…

A Temporary Truce in the Alpha War Zone

The Insiders Fund is having a relatively impressive year, 12% points better than the S&P 500.  While still down about 2% for the year, I'm convinced that we are close to running the table.  Why…

Insider Buying Week 5-13-22- Insiders are Putting their Toes into the Caldrum

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll through the significant buys of the last year. Two things happened Thursday which may have put a temporary bottom in the market's…

Insider Buying Week 5-6-22 Nothing Much is Working and it's Easy to Understand Why

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll through the significant buys of the last year. The bear case continues to grow as interest rates resume their relentless rise. The…

Ugly Ugly and then some Ugly week 4-29-22

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll through the significant buys of the last year. If you thought last week was ugly, this Friday took the cake. We're now testing the…

Insider Buying Week 4-22-22 There was literally nowhere to hide

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll through the significant buys of the last year. It was an ugly two-day close to the week that marked 4 consecutive weeks of selling.…

CEO is on a buying spree

$RKT Can Lightening Strike Twice in the Same Spot? Insider Buying Week 4-15-22

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll the significant buys of the last year. This is the most meager display of insider buying I've ever seen.  Yea, yea it's the earnings…

Insider Buying Week 4-8-22

  Curious how well insiders are doing with their buys? Scroll the significant buys of the last year. Merger activity increased significantly last week with six new deals announced and eight…