September surge postponed to middle of the month- Republican convention next week very negative for markets
The Republican platform is very negative short term for the market. This talk of hard money, getting rid of Bernanke, tough talk on China is all very negative for the market. Contrary to popular…
Microsoft Stock Poised for 30% Upside -
I agree with this article yet the short term trend is down. Look to buy Mr. Softie at the 200 day MA at $29.52. Patient investors can own now but you may be able to average in a little lower.…
Why rates will stay low and the market will make new highs
I've written before about my belief that based on the dual mandate of the Fed to maintain both high employment and inflation protection, rates will stay low for far longer than anyone imagines. We…
Don't write Intel off
Intel and Microsoft have a big product cycle coming up. Also Intel powers all the computers in Apple's lineup. Too much talk of cannibilization of notebook computers by tablets. The tablet is no…
JNJ goes ex dividend 8-24
I expect JNJ to bounce off its 50 day MA at $67.78 as it approaches it's ex dividend date on August 24th. If you plan on holding beyond the next few days, the DePuy hip replacement settlements seem…
Cluster insider selling is not a cluster**ck
I've spent the last two days going over cluster insider selling reports from the Washington Service. It's generally agreed that insider selling is not as useful in predicting stock prices as buying…
This could cause a market crash
Romney Calls For Fed Audit As Party Mulls Platform Plank By Lisa Lerer and Julie Hirschfeld Davis - Aug 20, 2012 4:57 P .Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney renewed support for…
Latest hedge fund results from Barclay Hedge are in
It's pretty amazing how much some long- short equity funds have returned during the last 18 months. Our hats off to Privet Fund, LP up 97.3% over the last 18 months with a CAR 3yr. return of 23.33.…
America’s state will expand whoever wins -
What I got out of this piece from former Treasury Secretary is the shocking amount of money that will be spent on health care by the aging boomers. By Lawrence Summers With the selection of Paul…
Rare opportunity for speakers at GOP convention -
I expect unusual stock price movement during and immediately after the Republican convention By Kevin Liptak Convention speakers a chance for party to showcase its best in prime timeNew Jersey…