1st Quarter 2013 Partner Letter

1st Quarter 2013 Partner Letter

Finance Week Ahead: Earnings Season Kicks Off | The Exchange - Yahoo! Finance

Finance Week Ahead: Earnings Season Kicks Off By Rebecca Stropoli | The Exchange – Fri, Apr 5, 2013 8:39 PM EDT   What a difference a few days makes: On Tuesday the S&P 500 was a mere three…

Apple and Facebook Flash Forward to Computer Memory of the Future | Wired Enterprise | Wired.com

This recent story from Wired is all about a company based in Salt Lake, City called Fusion IO (FIO).  I won't pretend to understand the technology but I know it was one of the hottest tech stocks…

U.S. Moves F-22 Jets to South Korea - WSJ.com

U.S. Ups Its Show of Force in Korea By JULIAN E. BARNES Agence France-Presse/Getty Images The U.S. sent F-22 fighters like this one to South Korea for exercises. The U.S. flew F-22 stealth fighter…

The week ahead April 1st 2013*

There will be much talk about how the market (S&P 500)closed at an all time high on last Friday. That's yesterday's news.  Let's take a look at the week ahead. April 1:  The market has had an…

S&P 500 and sector performance 1st QTD 2013

You might ask yourself why bother to post this but it's my observation that unless you pay money (subscribe) to S&P, this is the only time you can actually retrieve this information in such a…

S&P 500 closes at a new all time high

I thought these facts and charts were interesting. Although the market is at an all time high, the S&P 500 is still far below it’s high in real terms. by Harvey Sax

Investors Pile Into Housing, This Time as Landlords - WSJ.com

Is this a good investment?  If you rent out a home for $2600 per month, how much should you pay for it?  Well that depends on what kind of return you want on your money.  As a rule of thumb you can…

Lululemon Has A See-Through Yoga Pants Problem - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ

  Regulars at yoga classes often praise the liberating nature of the ancient Indian exercise  but sometimes things can get a little bit too liberating: enter yoga clothing maker Lululemon LULU…