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Volatility Propels Emotional Investing: Chart of the Week: Market Insight: Financial Professionals: BlackRock

This chart from BlackRock states the obvious. Most people are terrible investors.  The real question is how much better is BlackRock.  


Volatility is often the catalyst for poor decisions at inopportune times. Amidst difficult financial times, emotional instincts often drive investors to take actions that make no rational sense but make perfect emotional sense. Psychological factors such as fear often translate into poor timing of buys and sells. Though portfolio managers expend enormous efforts making investment decisions, investors often give up these extra percentage points in poorly timed decisions. As a result, the average investor underperformed most asset classes over the past 20 years. Investors even underperformed inflation by 0.5%.

via Volatility Propels Emotional Investing: Chart of the Week: Market Insight: Financial Professionals: BlackRock.

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