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Thinking About Retirement? Forget 401Ks, Graffiti Pays… A Lot.

Ok, so maybe picking up a can of spray paint isn’t the best retirement option for everyone, but it certainly worked out for David Choe.  Back in 2005 and under the direction of Napster kingpin Sean Parker, he adorned the walls of the Palo Alto with his street styled tagwork (the rest of his mixed medium works can be seen here).  Upon completion, Parker asked if he would like to be compensated in cash or in an equal value of stock.  While Choe is no beacon of the mainstream social environment, he took a gamble and accepted the offer of 1% ownership in the fledgling internet company.  And proceeded to go on with his life of art, travel, and homelessness.  Fast forward to Wednesday and Facebook’s IPO, and Choe is now the world’s richest homeless man with a stake in Facebook valued at 200 million dollars.  Not bad for a guy who wants to retire early, illustrate the Bible, and paint the entire Great Wall of China.


via Graffiti Artist Could Pocket $200 Million for Facebook Murals | NBC Los Angeles.

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