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Diamond Foods Now Cooks! …their books. CEO and CFO Out, Forced to Restate Earnings

Diamond Foods is getting crushed after hours, (down over 43%) on the announcement that they, like an alarming number of corporations, have trouble following longstanding GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).  According to their press release, a total of $80 million in payments to growers was not accounted for during the correct time periods.  In a sign of good faith, Michael J. Mendes and Steven M. Neil have been placed on administrative leave.

From Diamond’s press release:

“The Audit Committee has concluded that the Company’s financial statements for the fiscal years 2010 and 2011 will need to be restated. Over the course of the last three months, the Audit Committee has carefully reviewed the accounting treatment of certain payments to walnut growers.  The Audit Committee has concluded that a “continuity” payment made to growers in August 2010 of approximately $20 million and a “momentum” payment made to growers in September 2011 of approximately $60 million were not accounted for in the correct periods, and  the Audit Committee identified material weaknesses in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.”

“After an extensive and thorough investigation, the Audit Committee concluded that the Company’s internal controls were inadequate and that certain grower payments for the 2011 and 2010 crops were not accounted for in the correct periods. As a result, the Company will restate its fiscal years 2010 and 2011 financial statements,” said Robert Zollars, Diamond Foods’ Chairman. “The Board takes the Company’s control and the integrity of its financial statements very seriously, and we are moving aggressively to implement corrective measures, including changes to the Company’s leadership.”

The entire press release can be seen here.

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