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Facebook Integration May Be Coming To iOS 5

With the integration of Twitter into iOS 5 and so much cash sitting on Apple’s balance sheet, many investors are left wondering when rather than if Apple will make the move to purchase the social media stream.  So how will this new proposed partnership translate into an increase in value?  Well, a step toward being more open source friendly is a start..


After finally bringing Twitter to iOS 5, it looks like Apple is considering integrating other social networks as well.

This weekend, iMore discovered references to Facebook integration in the latest developer beta of iOS 5. They also grabbed a nice screenshot of the contacts app with a field for a Facebook user name.

Assuming Facebook does come to iOS 5 (or 6) this year, it’s a great decision by Apple.

One of the biggest missing features in iOS is integration with popular social networks and other online services like Dropbox. Android has it. Windows Phone has it. Now it’s about time that Apple adds it too.

iMore also found some references to the iPad 3 in the developer beta of iOS 5, but there aren’t any hints about what the new tablet will be like.

via Facebook Integration May Be Coming To iOS 5.

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