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A race down the down-staircase

Read this excellent article that outlines the dynamics taking place in the market now.  When Domino Pizza stock doubles in the year the U.S. gets downgraded, market dynamics are at work. It’s a race down the down staircase.


As Middle Class Shrinks, P&G Aims High and Low



For generations, Procter & Gamble Co.’s growth strategy was focused on developing household staples for the vast American middle class.

Now, P&G executives say many of its former middle-market shoppers are trading down to lower-priced goods—widening the pools of have and have-not consumers at the expense of the middle.

That’s forced P&G, which estimates it has at least one product in 98% of American households, to fundamentally change the way it develops and sells its goods. For the first time in 38 years, for example, the company launched a new dish soap in the U.S. at a bargain price.

via As Middle Class Shrinks, P&G Marketing Aims High and Low –

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