You don’t have to be a MIT quant physicist to make money in the market. In fact you ony have to be right 55% of the time to stand out. I made a couple of calls in December of last year that proved to be very prescient. I recommended to our readers that in spite of the fact I loved Apple, I thought you would make more money on Dell this year.
Rule #1 Don’t confuse a good stock with a good company. They can be and usually are two very different things. Apple is in rarefied air, perhaps the best company ever but I blogged you would make more money on Dell in the near term. YTD Dell is up 19.8% verus Apple’s 5.5%. And Dell is still cheap. BTW Apple is a bargain too but way over owned. Who’s left to buy?
We blogged abou Soda Stream calling it a classic Peter Lynch 10- bagger in December 2010. Its up nearly 100% since then.